Training Methods

Build a stronger bond with your dog by investing in positive training that works.

The best place for your dog to learn is in their own habitat and neighborhood where they will be spending the majority of their time. Because of this, I come to your home to train your dog.

In the beginning when the dogs are learning/acquiring new skills we begin the training inside your home until the dog becomes more fluid in responding to cues. After that I start to take the training outside where the dog then learns to translate the training around the many distractions outside. This is difficult at first but through repetition and positive reinforcement the owners start to see their dogs responding to cues outside which ultimately is where we really need our dogs to listen to us.

The last part of my job is then to advise clients how to maintain the training by incorporating it into their everyday lives by implementing all the vocabulary the dog has learned over the weeks into their everyday lives so that in any given situation the dog will understand what you want them to do

Positively Positive Programs

Puppy Basic Manners

Advice around issues such as house breaking, crate training, nipping/biting, getting them used to their new exciting environment

Dog Basic Manners

All levels. This training is designed to teach dogs over 1 year old on the basics such as sit, stay, come, heel, and more.

Behavior Adjustment Modification

Helping dogs that are either fearful, reactive or aggressive.

Impulse Control

Do you have a dog that jumps at everyone that walks or bolts through the door? I can help!

AKC Canine Good Citizen Evaluator

the Canine Good Citizen Test (CGC Test) is about two things: Firstly, demonstrating responsible dog ownership through regular vet check ups, feeding a healthy diet and exercise and secondly that you as the owner have taken the time to train your dog to ensure that it will be a well mannered part of the community it lives in.

Additionally, the CGC Test is the stepping stone to your dog doing further training to become a therapy dog.


Let your dog entertain your guests at dinner parties and family get togethers by teaching them a bag of tricks!  It’s great fun for the dog and owner to learn but great for people to watch too!

Nose Work

Once a dog has basic manners, why not bring out his or hers natural instinct by doing scent work. It’s great fun, mental stimulation and will tire your dog out … A tired dog is a happy dog!

Ready to enjoy the benefits of training your furry family member?