Chitra Walmsley

Chitra Walmsley

Oct 10, 2024

4 - 5 minutes

Top Tips to Keep Your K9 Companion Safe for the Fall Season

A dog on a walk with his owner during autumn
A dog on a walk with his owner during autumn
A dog on a walk with his owner during autumn

It’s that beautiful time of year when we are winding down from the hot summer. The weather is cooler, the leaves on the trees are turning those beautiful red, orange and golden colors. Houses are being decorated for Halloween and our walks with our dogs are cooler.

With that cooler weather brings rainy days and it’s those days that many dogs really love going out for a “sniffari”, why, because dogs live through their noses and the rain amplifies scents. Walking in the rain or just after it is like your dog going to Disney World with the incredible array of scents, so get them out for an easy way of giving them mental enrichment.

With the change in season though and cooler weather in toe here are some useful tips to remember to keep your dog safe and comfortable through Fall and heading towards winter.

Winter apparel

As the temperatures dip and those early mornings or late afternoons become chillier, for smaller dogs it’s a good idea to think about either a fleece, doggie sweater or dog coat to keep them warm.

Dog wearing fleece vest
Dog wearing fleece vest
Dog wearing fleece vest

Dog Fleece Vest

Early morning walks or late evening walks will be getting darker so it’s a good idea to have your dog wearing a reflective harness with a reflective leash.For additional safety I like to have my dogs wear an LED dog collar that either has a solid light or flashing light so that visibility is clear to drivers when you are crossing roads or walking on roads with no sidewalks.

Nitehowl LED Safety Necklace
Nitehowl LED Safety Necklace
Nitehowl LED Safety Necklace

Nitehowl LED Safety Neckalce

As the weather gets colder just as our hands and feet become dryer our dog’s paw pads get dryer as well, so it is important to keep their paws moisturized. The brand I have been using for years is Mushers.

Musher's Secret
Musher's Secret
Musher's Secret

Musher's Secret Dog Paw Wax

Things to be careful of on walks

Acorns start to ripen in September/October and then fall from the trees. On walks be mindful not to let your dog ingest them as they can cause chocking, diarrhea and or blockages in the intestinal track. If you think your dog has ingested one and is showing signs of distress, contact your veterinarian straight away.

With more moisture on the ground this is the time for mushrooms to grow but not all mushrooms are good for your dog and it is therefore best for them not to go near to them on walks, also check your yard to make sure that there are none around for them to ingest.

With the cooling temperatures this brings out wildlife some of which are preparing for hibernation such as bear. Remember, wildlife such as snakes hiding in those fallen leaves, skunks, racoons can be very unpredictable so when hiking with your dog keep them on a long line so they are safe and you can easily get them away from danger if needs be. Plus, watch out for dopey hornets or wasps who may be on the ground, they can get very aggressive this time of year. If your dog does get stung rush them straight the veterinarian for treatment as the affected area can swell very quickly.

Hazardous items inside the home at this time of year

With the cooling temperatures we tend to start car maintenance and one item that is on hand is ANTIFREEZE which is very dangerous for dogs because of the toxic chemical ethylene glycol. Dogs are attracted to the odor as it smells sweet to them. Therefore, it is very important to keep it out of their reach. If you think your dog has ingested antifreeze, take them to the vet immediately as damage can occur to them in a matter of hours.

Houses are being adorned with Halloween decorations. Be careful that your dog cannot get close to decorations that they can choke on and any wires for lights are tucked away. Additionally, lots of candy will be around, of course, so be careful that they are kept out of the reach of your dog including sweet or chocolate wrappers which could have xylitol on them which is toxic to dogs. Nuts are also not a great snack for your dog because of the fat content that nuts have. Dogs have a problem digesting fat which can then lead to pancreatitis which if not treated very quickly can be fatal.

Flea, tick and heartworm prevention

Continue administering these treatments to your dog year round as fleas, ticks and heartworm can be found in the winter months so to keep your dog healthy, safe and comfortable continue to give them these medications all through the year.

Enjoy this beautiful time of the year!